Japan Sim Free 50GB/mo.$20/mo.VALID UNTIL 2025-02-14SEE DETAILS

United Arab Emirates Data package 300MB/day in 4G/3G speed (3~30 days)

Sale : $8 $5 / 3 day

Extra day : $2 /day


  • This data package is exclusively for iVideo Top-Up Sim. You need to receive the iVideo Top-Up Sim first. Then purchase this data package.
  • Top up anytime, no need to worry about running out of data.
  • Data only Package - Voice calls & Text not available.

Product Introduction

  • Purchasing data packages is much cheaper than One-Time SIM and no shipping fee
  • If you purchase a data package, it will be activated within 3 minutes after the order is completed. 

  • Hotspot sharing is available for Android & iOS systems (except some Android devices)

  • Line/ Skype/WeChat messages, video calls, Social media, and email supported.

  • Data package is not supportive of some APP downloads and updates 


  • Notice! The Sim card/ Data package will be activated once inserted into your mobile phone at the destination.
  • The expiration date will be extended to 170 days automatically when it is activated.  The top-up and activation dates must be within the validity period.

  • Check your iVideo SIM's expiration date

User Manuals


  • If you do not use the product and it is still in the validity period, or the product is not working or the activation fails. We will provide a full refund after confirming there is no data usage of the SIM card you purchased. 
  • To activate the next data package of a Top-Up SIM early, click here and click "Terminate Early".

  • Note: If you terminate the current data package of a Top-Up SIM early, then the remaining days and usage will be voided without any refund.

  • Data packages will be activated in order of time and cannot be manually selected. Daypass cannot be terminated early.